Day 6 - Todo List update


So no new update with the animation issue from yesterday, so giving that one a break today ( family gathering ).

TODO LIST for the next 12 days ( only 12 days left on eval license )

  1. Edge detection blocks near holes/water
  2. Player/Enemy swing attack animations ( player sprites might need to be completely separate at this point give the issue currently have )
  3. Main Menu scrolling with transition
  4. Death mechanic
  5. < Esc > menu
  6. UI Stats ( HP, coins, etc )
  7. Inventory UI Menu ( Quickmenu on bottom on screen )
  8. Introduction to collectables


WOOHOO! figured out my stupid code bug issue with the sprite swapping for main player.

here is the updated [STEP] code for the animations

// Animation
if (!place_meeting(x,y+1,oWall))
        if (place_meeting(x,y,oShadows)) 
                sprite_index = sDarkPlayerA;
                image_speed = 0;
                if (vsp > 0) image_index=1; else image_index=0;
                sprite_index = sPlayerA;
                image_speed = 0;
                if (vsp > 0) image_index=1; else image_index=0;
        image_speed =1;
        if (hsp == 0)
            if (place_meeting(x,y,oShadows)) 
                sprite_index = sDarkPlayer;
                sprite_index = sPlayer;    
                image_index = 0;
            if (place_meeting(x,y,oShadows)) 
                sprite_index = sDarkPlayerR;
                sprite_index = sPlayerR;

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