Day 2 Complete

Today is pretty simple, it's going to involve understanding and implementing character swap on the go with an invisible trigger.  The idea is to get player sprite to change based on Light or Shadow sections of the level.


Success!!  We now have shadows that activate the "Dark" player.   Now i can import the Dark Cemetery Tiles 

i was getting a bit frustrated with myself because i tried many many combinations ( Collide with Shadow, Shadow collide with Player, Object near Shadow ) and finally this is the code that made it happen.

during Player [STEP]

if (place_meeting(x,y,oShadows))   //  if Player touches Shadow layer do action below
        sprite_index = sPlayer;    // change sprite to defaul player sprite
        image_index = 1;            // use 2nd image for player sprites
                                    // otherwise when you leave shadows it returns to image_index=0 which is the knight


All tilesets are imported with additional object and now the basic 1st level is being created.  Skeleton animations still need to be made ( that's easy enough ).  Things are finally starting to take shape.


Finished a basic level and ran player through. ( added video above )


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